birthday celebrations - 2 - 1:59 AM
-The Usuals at Brewerkz-
CAST: Ter, Jas, Simeng, JJ, Yap, Pang Ngiau, Roy, Chris
Scene 1.
1.tough decision, what to eat r? of course lamb shank lah, its the biggest!
2. wham! out comes the lamb shank.
3. hey, all prepared for chunky time eh? or eating at top speed like you usually do? [starts swiping each other]
4. oh screw it, lets just hit the food!
haha, that was damn funny!
Scene 2.

how bout some foodie reviews? [since i can memorise such stuff easily?]
1. indian pale ale [nice, malty flavour]
2. onion rings and lamb shank.
3. Shepperds pie. [large chunky lamb with mash on the top]
4. burger [bland].
Scene 3.

Scene 4.
what's beer from Brewerkz without the fabulous company?
haha ok after that, i went home to change and off i was to meet Xa and Leo. Alex got lost in boat quay and had to cab down. haha. it was a rather crazy night, and after 2shots and 4glasses of chivas green tea, i decided to whisk myself home on a cab before i start to lose my senses. haha it was a really fun night, but i guess i've had enough.

All in all, this birthday has been one of the more fun ones i ever had. i mean having common tests on your birthday ain't exactly the more exciting way to spend your birthday. so this 19th, having my birthday to coincide with holidays was really good. i didn't look forward to my birthday with anticipation nor expectations [like a new phone or money or bday party etc.]. Friday just came and events unfurled. but after celebrating over 2days, i was really touched by what all my friends have done for me, or how they have organised activites to celebrate my birthday. i guess i'm just telling myself to appreciate all these things and people around me before i leave.
so heres a special thanks to the family for the buffet, hs for arranging meetup for lunch and being so thoughtful to get me winterwear so i can wear it there, the band people for the cake and the company, xac [and alex and leo] for arranging the night out =) , and Sam [YOU! must be enjoying ur holiday in US while i'm in sg rotting =(], thanx for the video! it was really sweet.
ok i'm off. it's time to snap out of birthday world and back into reality =D